Attendee Comments

"I didn’t realize everything that I didn’t know.  Great to revise elective course. Excellent in every capacity." Amber McCallum DC, Parts I/II Lumbar, 4/24

Provides a better understanding of what chiropractic can be – Jake Greenfield , Parts I/II  Lumbar, 4/24
You will learn more in 4 days about LBP then I did in 4 years in chiro college 
That it will help you better understand disc Dx and treatment.  There is a lot of research to back up this form of treatment over surgery – Amanda Davis DC, Parts I/II  Lumbar, 4/24

The beneficial: "The research, reason and use of the technique.  The vast number conditions we can treat." I'd tell a colleague: "The research and constant work toward understanding the function of the body and various conditions.  There is no resting on laurels or ego related to the technique."   Other: "Program was far greater than I expected!  I was not sure what to expect, but this was one of the best seminars I have ever been to.  The information and the delivery sparked excitement and enthusiasm around anatomy and treatment.  There is equal emphasis on the “use” of the pt hx, the physical orthopedic exam, and the use of imaging to come up with the appropriate treatment.  In addition , the knowledge and use of supplementation but not pushing supplements is also amazing.  The technique highlights and focuses on the fact that we are doctors that treat the whole body, the whole person, and yet also specialists of the spine.  We must be able to appropriately assess, diagnose and communicate with the patient (the curious patient, the desperate patient, the apprehensive pt, the skeptical pt, the pt who has been to other chiros or been told chiros are bad, the acute pt, etc.)  This technique requires that you are certified  and holds docs accountable to this standard." – Roni Negro DC, Parts I/II  Lumbar, 4/24

"The course was interesting and provided me a lot of valuable knowledge.  Now I feel more confident in handling patient and the correlation between cases and research was excellent. It exceeded my expectations because everything is based on scientific evidence and they ensure that everyone practice correctly." – Adriana Rivera DC, Parts I/II Lumbar, 3/24 FL
"Thank you for your time and for everything you’ve done to help us (the young doctors).  I want to continue to grow in this Cox family" – Stephanie Quinones Davila DC, Parts I/II Lumbar, 3/24 FL

"The most beneficial part was the correlation of treatment with patient improvement and the evidence that exists, so I now can show my patients an evidence based technique that definitely would help them" - Stephanie Gonzalez Almonte DC, Parts I/II Lumbar, 3/24 FL
"It is excellent. It is not just about the protocols and the technique, it gives you evidence, anatomy, physiology" – Pierina Agosto Serrano DC, Parts I/II Lumbar, 3/24 FL
"Research data application of concepts (were most beneficial) – Vilmarie Soto DC, Honors, PR, 2/24
"Scientific evidence and how to approach patients with hot disks from least force and the progress that they will achieve with Cox® technique" - Stephanie Gonzalez Almonte DC, Honors, PR, 2/24
"Demonstrations, references" – Paul Vanier DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"Hands on demonstration, research presentation" – Tony Barton DC, Honors, PR, 2/24
"Recent research" – Jacob Anaya DC, Honors, PR, 2/24
"Didactic with hands on (was the most beneficial).  The level of knowledge expertise in the room not just the instructors is inspiring for the chiropractic profession. Dr. Cox and Dr. Joachim are top notch.  Grateful to study with them" – Shay Corbin DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"I really can’t say [ what was most benficial], it was all amazing.  Instructors and colleagues. ... Best clinical seminar since I graduated 42 years ago. These seminars attract really outstanding doctors of chiropractic. Always a great experience with a lot of relevant information that you can use on Monday." – Gerald Zuker DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"These are “must” attend educational seminars with practical application to daily clinical practice.  Knowledge gained is accepted and helpful in clinical setting to get patient understanding aspects of their treatment which increase compliance and produces better clinical outcomes" – Dan Farah DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"Cox® seminars never disappoint, I always learn something new every time" – Edel Diaz DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"Always the best.  Thank you" – Eric Frank DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"George (Joachim) is a great teacher, and Dr Cox knows way too much information" – Jorge Segall DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"The clinical real-world experiences and practical applications of technique [were most beneficial]. Amazing clinical pearls" – Cristina Ruiz DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

"Unbelievable educational experience" – Michael Karafa DC, Honors, PR, 2/24

Most beneficial: "Thoracic spine disc herniation and its GI/GU connection.  Upper and lower motor neuron lesions and how to test." I'd share with a colleague to "Take this class.  There is so much great research to validate treatment for all your patients that walk through your door. Great instruction and hands on experience" – Jason Charkalis DC, Part IV, 1/24
"Cox technique courses are a great arsenal for your tool belt considering more advanced cases.  Always great to utilize a well researched technique" - Thomas Wiest DC, Part IV Thoracic, 1/24
Most beneficial was "that we were able to use the force plate [in The Cox®8 Force Table] to see JUST how much pressure we were applying!" and I'd share with a colleague "that this seminar opens up the outlook on patient care and provides yet another way to treat patients to be able to get them as clost to fully functional as possible." Olivia Drake DC, Lumbar Parts I/II, 3/23
"I liked the benefit of getting to listen to different instructors. Very thorough few days of learning. [A colleague could become] confident in performing the technique." and "Great work. Most useful seminar I have been to in my 3 years of practice." Tyler Dombrowski DC, Parts I/II Lumbar, 3/23
"Everything was great, but linking diagnosis with treatment was very beneficial." Jake Boll DC, Parts I/II, 3/23
"All parts were beneficial for me." I'd share wtih a colleague "that this was the best workshop I ever attended because of the knowledge. It was an honor for me being part of this workhsop meeting in person with Dr. Cox and gathering all this important information for our profession and helping all [our patients]. " Alexandros Theofanidis DC (from Greece), Parts I/II Lumbar, 3/23
"A great weekend spent with some of the best, most committed chiropractic clinicians I’ve ever had the pleasure to study with." – Gerald Zuker DC, Part IV Thoracic, 9/23
The most beneficial were "the clinical pearls and stories of real life experiencs with patients and cases." and I'd tell a colleague: T+"An absolute must for chiropractors genuinley interested in no only understanding the vidence behind the most effective way to treat complex cases, but also the hands-on experience to confidently and effectively treat complex cases." - Dr Christiana Crawford, Honors, Maui, 2/23
"I've been studyign with Dr. Cox for 27 years, always great, his work continues to evolve adn is always fresh and relavent." Bryce Milam DC, Honors, Maui, 2/23
"You learn more in 2 days at a Cox Seminar than you would learn in 2 years of other seminars." Wm Hoffman DC, Honors, Maui, 2/23
'Most beneficial: "discussions and resesarch...[this course is] a must in our profession" - Evaline Delson DC, Honors, Maui, 2/23 
"loved the other DC [case] presentations!" J Santoro DC, Honors, Maui, 2/23
Most beneficial: "studies supporting specific treatment/modalities...really like the program is oriented toward research studies." Tim Krantz DC, Honors, Maui, 2/23
I would share with colleagues that "they should becoe a certified Cox practitioners. It is evidence based. I wish I had taken these courses 30 years ago. ... I appreciate all of ht eeffort Dr. Cox, Julie, and other Cox instructors have put into the research and dissemination of this important work. Truly life-changing for our patients." Linda Holland DC, Honors, Maui, 2/23
I'd tell a colleague "that you may be currently practicing this technique incorrectly." - J Alloy DC, Part III Cervical 7/23
The most beneficial was "the hands-on work supported yb immediate constructive feedback. ... All chiropractors s hould take this seminar to become more confident in clincal skills and to realize how much evident (research) supports our work." Colleen Pomplun, Part III Cervical 7/23 
"If you haven't been treating thoracic disc herniation, you've probably overlooked it!" - S Milller, DC, 9/2022, Fort Wayne Part IV Thoracic
"The clinical pearls thar are learned are mind-expansive!" and "Fantastic educational exprience from a true inspiration." - M Korchok DC, 9/2022, Fort Wayne Part IV Thoracic
"The knowledge and experitise is incredible. The entire presentation is backed by research." - D Vallotton DC, 9/2022, Fort Wayne Part IV Thoracic 
"Cox® Seminars offer the best quality continuing education for the cost. [Story:] Driving to get here after work on Friday, I was lamenting the drive, time, and money being spent. WIthin 20 minutes of the start of the seminar I knew that I was in the right place. Excellent seminar!" - P. Meyer DC, 9/2022, Fort Wayne Part IV Thoracic
"This seminar exceeded my expectations! Both instructors very knowledgeable and presented clear and preceit protocols and procedures. [The course was] very benefitical and practical to your practice. You would have additional optioms for patients' treatments/conditions." - L Skjervheim, DC - 6/22 - San Diego Part IV Thoracic 
Most beneficial/interesting: "Thoracic spine and gut issues! [Also] I love the research presented and praticing based on research." 6/22 - San Diego Part IV Thoracic
Most beneficial/interesting: "The information regarding upper thoracic syndrome and scoliosis. This technique is the most well-tolerated and resesarch in our field. Both docs (Hazen and Joachim) who taught the course are very knoweldgeable and personable. They know the material!" - MJ Ames-Brown DC - 6/22 - San Diego Part IV Thoracic
"Dr. Olding is fantastic. He is so smart and unassuming. He is patient in his training and explanations. His humility and love for the profession is rare. I am able to take new skills back [to use] on Monday." J Santoro DC - 3/22 - West Palm Beach Part IV Thoracic
"Most interesting: Thoracic Disc Herniation. Love practicing with Cox Technic and seeing the results for my patients." HS Sigurgeirdattir DC - 3/22 - West Palm Beach Part IV 
"Great [seminar] if you are interested in becoming a spine expert." - E Johnnie DC, 9/2022, Fort Wayne Part IV Thoracic 
“This program includes excellent use of evidence to not justify but to determine procedures to achieve the most effective, safest clinical outcomes possible.”  – Chelsea Drda DC (Part III, January 2015, Tampa) 
"This is a game changer.  I will be changing the way I have treated many conditions… and with confidence!" – Jennifer Lavery DC (Parts I/II, April 2016)

"Really enjoyed the whole event." – Neil Bray DC (Parts I/II, April 2016)

"I had no idea how much the technique had changed since I last certified." – Adam Palmer DC (Honors, April 2019)


"The instructor was very knowledgeable and helpful in the learning process." – Kristen Reid (Part I, Keiser, February 2019)

"The instructor was very knowledgeable on the table.  Made sure we were doing everything correctly before moving forward. Cox Table is a great discovery.  It’s an awesome tool for doctors and patients." – Juan Gamba (Part I, Keiser, February 2019)

"I particularly enjoy the research Dr. Cox presents which is so helpful in the daily clinical setting."  – Richard Davis DC ( Honors, April 2019)

"Learning this knowledge will put you at the top of our profession."  Robert Rice DC (Honors, April 2019)

"Loved the seminar.  Was filled with great evidence and I feel the things learned this weekend will be easily able to be implemented into patient care." – Anonymous (Parts I/II, April 2016)


"I am embarrassed… on how little I knew about low back pain.  I have learned more about back pain in a few days then I did in 3 years of chiropractic school.  Thank you!!" – Anonymous (Parts I/II, April 2016)


"Dr. Cox and his staff are unbelievable.  They put more intense material in a conference than any other bar none.  To see a mentor like Dr. Cox is a must.  I will personally say for other D.C.s it’s that important for them and our profession.  Thank you." – Alan Ebbers DC (Parts I/II, April 2016)


"This has been the best seminar I have attended by far, ever!" – Crystal Surpreuant DC (Parts I/II, April 2016)


·         "This is by far the most effective and applicable course I have attended." – Jennifer Lavery DC (Parts I/II, April 2016)


·        " Very practical program that makes you feel prepared to improve patient care." – Neil Bray DC (Parts I/II, April 2016)


·         "You will learn an amazing technique that will get your patients better with less risk and learn about all of the research that supports the use and effects of the treatment." – Crystal Surprenant DC (Parts I/II, April 2016)


"Cutting edge technique that makes you a better Dr. immediately." – Chris Deveau DC (Parts I/II, April 2016) 
Julie – “Thank "you" for all your support!!! Your team of educators are fantastic and I learned so much from them!! Thank you for sharing your Dad with us!!  The wealth of knowledge he has and continues to give to our profession is astonishing!!! G-d bless him and all the energy he has!!!! Hope to see you again soon!!!!” – Michael Anzalone DC (Parts I/II, April 2015)
“The course was great... there is a massive amount of information disseminated as well as a lot of feedback from the instructors [during hands-on sessions] and the transducer and force plates with in the table.” - Nike Taylor, DC (April 2015, Parts I/II) 

“Dr. Cox takes you on an educational journey of the latest research, case studies, technique application, and nutritional considerations.  The time invested with his program is never enough.  I look forward to the next clinical encounter with Dr. Cox!” – Mark Korchok DC  (Part III, January 2015, Tampa) 
Cox Technic Seminar Gives a System
"I couldn't put my finger on exactly what really got me about the course until I discussed it with a patient who does research in    human kinetics at the university here in town. What really impressed me were 3 things:
  1. "Dr. Cox has connected the dots." He has taken a lot of research from different fields of practice and organized them for us practitioners. The information and data from all the studies were well organized and just opened my eyes. I could immediately identify many patients I treat. By the way, that quote was my patient's!
  2. Dr. Cox has built a very impressive research foundation where the researchers sought him and his technique. He piqued their curiosity based on his work and not marketing.
  3. [[The presentations]] kept my attention the whole time. No flash or arrogance. It was a feast of valid and useful information from the beginning to the end. 

"I am still riding the high from the seminar and still reading the textbook.

"On my return flight I happened to be sitting next to a pediatrician from Denver who was also interested in the material. She pointed out that the research was being funded by the NIH and was very impressed that it was centered on  the Cox technique.  She took the website info because a colleague of hers that had neck surgery was seeing a DC but not getting results."
- San Francisco, Part I attendee, (Kruse), 1/12
“The hands on [made the weekend for me]. The doctors [who lead the hands-on sessions – Drs. Joachim, Kruse and Olding] that have the same Love of the profession as Dr. Cox [made the weekend for me]. The science to back up the protocol and technique [made the weekend for me]. It was all excellent.  I am so grateful for the hands on and practice on the computer of force used.”  – Dr. Pirner (April 2015, Parts I/II) 

Cox® Technic with Cox® Table with Cox® Seminar 
"Thanks Julie.  I must say, I am so glad I made this transition to using the Cox® Technique.  In only a few months I don't know how I would practice without it anymore.  I have already had patients that I have treated for YEARS with typical diversified technique that just accepted that they were never going to get relief from their lower back pain and with only a couple of treatments with the Cox® protocol they are seeing significant improvements.  With other cases where you have a rather large patient, doing a side posture adjustment was impossible.  Using [other techniques for me] were minimally valuable.  With my new Cox®8 Table, it is so easy to counter balance their weight and treat their lower back joints and disc injuries with absolute ease.  I no longer have to cringe when I see them walk in the door.  On another note, now that I have the capability of doing cervical decompression techniques that has also opened up a whole new world of options.  I have a patient that has been diagnosed with something called IBM or Inclusion Body Myositis.  Personally, before him, I had never heard of it before.  It reminds you a lot of MS.  Anyway, this patient was quickly losing function of his arms.  I had worked with him over the past year using cold laser techniques which did help some.  His neurologist insisted that he go see a PT and undergo 6-8 weeks of rehab exercises.  Well, the patient came back after two visits of PT and said that they had dismissed him and said that there was nothing they could do for him.  About this time I got my Cox® Table and just for the hell of it I decided to add the cervical Cox® protocol to his treatment plan.  I must tell you to my absolute amazement, we have made more progress in a hand full of visits then we had made all last year.  I still use the laser techniques, but combined with the Cox® it has been amazing.  The strength that is returning in his arms was totally unexpected.  I often joke with him and remind him that "there is nothing that can be done to help him"!  I know I have a lot to learn yet, but I truly appreciate all the work your father has put into this technique.  Since I've been out of school, which has been about 17 years now, this is the first thing that I can honestly say has made me feel proud to be a chiropractor.  I wish I had met your father sooner!
Dr. C.J. Valenti" (email  1/27/12 certified at Part II in 11/11 - reprinted with permission)

"The clinical knowledge provided was invaluable and will positively transform my patient management and clinical outcomes because of improved understand of pathogenesis and its clinical resolution." – Chelsea Drda DC (Part III, January 2015, Tampa) 
If you truly want to know why we treat patients, why this treatment can help patients and how to progress the profession in the future, come to a Cox Seminar.” – Vincent Pankonin DC (Part III, January 2015, Tampa)

“Dr. Cox makes me want to be a better doctor.” – Joseph Miller DC (Part III, January 2015, Tampa) 
"Cox® F/D is the best researched most empirically proven and effective means for treatment of neck and low back spinal (disc) problems." - Howard Rosenberg (Part III, October 2015)

"Most complete, most researched, seminar ever!" – Evelyne Bruneau DC (Part III, October 2015)  

"Dr. Cox was especially animated and informative during this seminar.  His grasp on the literature and ability to translate it into practiced clinical application is exemplary." - Howard Rosenberg DC (Part III, October 2015)


"I first attended one of Dr. Cox’s seminars back in 1995 and was truly amazed at the information presented. I didn’t think it was possible, but his seminars have only gotten better ever since!  Dr. Cox has an impressive ability to present complex research in a very understandable way, and shows how said research relates to clinical practice of Cox® Technic.  I love that he has honed Cox® Technic over the years through the study and utilization of research. You just know that Dr. Cox absolutely loves what he does and wants Doctors of Chiropractic to properly utilize his life’s work for the betterment of humanity!" - Daniel D Spencer DC, CCSP (Parts I/II, April 2015)


"Dr. James Cox is a world leading force not only in Chiropractic but also in his knowledge base and current research.  The Chiropractic community has a wealth of information in him and is blessed to have him as one of us and leading us in the best direction." -  Elaine Cote DC (Part III, October 2015)

“Thank you very much for your time and passion for our profession and patient care! [sic]  I’m excited to get back to the clinic on Monday after being here today.” (attendee evaluation form comment, Maui, Part III, February 2016) 

"There are no other chiropractic educational programs like a Dr. Cox seminar!  Highly informative, educational, and inspiring." – Mark Korchok DC (Part III, January 2015, Tampa) 

"Thank you for all your effort.  Every visit charges the batteries." – Kevin Putman DC (Part III, October 2015)


"This technique and Dr. Cox have changed my life and practice forever. Thank you." – Evelyne Bruneau DC 


"The future success of Chiropractic." – Jeffery Taylor DC (Part III, October 2015)

This seminar delivers! …Thank you to all the instructors and people from F/D Enterprise.  What an awesome seminar.”
- Michael J. Vogel DC  (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)


Research is what will save our profession. ... I feel more equipped to take on patients now than when I graduated Chiropractic school.”- Luigi Albano DC, Canada (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)

"Treatment based on research.  Applied specifically.
- Elspeth McCann DC, Australia (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
The transducer & instructors help with technique, cases were also very beneficial.”
- Bess McCann DC, Australia (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
“The seminar was well organized.  Dr. Cox was awesome as were Dr. George [Joachim] and Dr. Kurt [Olding].” 
- Jenny Meckle DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
“Should not miss exposure to this material”  “Great Weekend – Great starting point”
- Jon Baggs DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
The seminar was excellent.  Dr. Cox shares his own experiences.”
- Danilo Messa DC, Brazil (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
Cox® Technic truly changed my philosophy beliefs and treatment of chiropractic.  Cox® Technic is the ‘only’ evidence based treatment with documented research and proof of effectiveness.  Cox® Technic is the only technic to practice in chiropractic!” 
- Cole Bergeson DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
“Great info synthesized and presented.”
- Micah White DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
I’ve been getting marginally good results and now I know why.  I expect to get excellent results going forward.  I feel much more confident in treating difficult cases. [Seminar] Content is outstanding. I sincerely appreciate his [Dr. Cox’s] life’s work.”
- Kelley LeBlanc DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
Excellent technique for treating LBP – it will make us LBP specialists in the world. …  Dr. Cox and his team are amazing and so is the Cox®8 table.  Go to the next conference! You will help many patients and change lives!  Amazing!!!” 
 - Sandra Conard DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
"I liked the 3 different instructors. All were incredibly knowledgeable and helpful, with practical work and practice tips.  Also, the flow of the conference was excellent with videos in small groups and hands on with the instrument breaking up lectures were great “fastest” 30 hours of CE I’ve ever had.  Thank you, and I think you should keep up with combination of Parts I & II so docs only travel once.”
- Sandra Conard DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
A wealth of information & knowledge that will help you to further advance your practice.”
- Sol Tocco DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
- Thu Nguyen DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
Go and get educated on proper technique.”
– Brad Hunter DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
All of it was interesting. [Colleagues] need to go. Always love these seminars.”
– David Atiyeh DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN) 
“It’s a must to attend. … I work in a health system and want them to use this work as the 1stchoice of general care and accept us as the spinal specialist.”
– Randy David DC (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)"
"Hands-on practice. Much more to the technique than disc herniations.
- Part I (Kruse), San Francisco, 1/12
"Nice combination of research and daily practice info. Great way to treat disc disorders. Gentle technique. Well researched. Lot of education opportunities. Really enjoyed the thoroughness of the course and knowledge base/experiences of the instructor."
- Part I (Kruse), San Francisco, 1/12
Cox® Technic - "Great research backed technique which can help your practice from a little to a lot. Will help get good results. Is progressing in marketing, government funding, research and medical support. It is the future of healthcare."
- Part I (Kruse), San Francisco, 1/12
"Leander 'pumping the well' is not Cox® [Technic]."
- Part I, San Francisco, 1/12
"Met all my expectations and I learned more than I thought."
- Part I, San Francisco, 1/12
Cox® Technic - "The research strongly supports the technique and the data/material are convincing/comprehensive for the public and healthcare providers of other disciplines."
- Part I, San Francisco, 1/12
"Speakers were able to keep me attentive to the information delivered. They were able to answer most questions with info/slides/reference quickly. Very well organized and interactive. I already feel comfortable knowing I will add the technique to my practice."
- Part I, San Francisco, 1/12
"[Part II] was another great weekend that flew by, just like Boston. I can't honestly remember any other seminar experience of which I can say that.
On a personal note, like [Dr. Cox], I was also a valedictorian of my class at National. Unlike him, though, I don't feel like I embraced the fact that this was just the beginning of my learning. Don't get me wrong, I kept up, but I contented myself to employ what I knew, and this was enough to help many people. But taking the Cox® courses over this year has really revived my enthusiasm for the profession and the practice, and opened me up to the power of what we can do. Having the EVIDENCE and the PROTOCOL for back and neck pain has made a huge difference for me. And his enthusiasm is infectious. Twenty years in, and I feel invigorated and excited about the next twenty. I can't thank him enough."
~ Dr. Keith Olding, Part II attendee, November 2011
"I had a great experience at the [Cox® Technic Part II] course this weekend and feel that the time and money I spent for the course and for Dr. Kruse’s [hands-on] workshop was well worthwhile. Dr. Cox’s energy is amazing and his passion for chiropractic is contagious.  I am back at the office today explaining to the medical residents shadowing me what it is I am doing when performing Cox® Technique, confident with the training I have received this weekend that I will give a clear understanding of how and why we treat back and neck problems.  Those who have seen me perform treatment are impressed with the gentleness of the approach and immediate positive patient response.  Thanks again to Dr. Cox for his tireless effort in making this a reality for the profession."
~ George Simmons, DC, APC

You get the latest research presented in concise form, as well as individual hands-on with the technique that is invaluable. When’s the last time a seminar day flew by? Good stuff.”
~ Dr. Keith Olding, Boston Part I (7/11) attendee comment on evaluation form
I am a Cox® certified doctor who has had the new [Cox7] table for over 4 years. I was amazed at how much I learned on improving my technique. If you have not returned to Cox® Seminars in a while, you will be impressed by how much you will learn in areas you thought you had mastered. As you all know Dr. Jim does not sit still, and the research is constantly getting better and better.
~ Orlando Part I (3/11 Joachim) attendee for re-certification

I would encourage a colleague to certify in Cox® Technic because Cox® Technic allows "efficiency and overall 'full spine' treatment with doctor 'ease'. I've been practicing for 20 years and need to work 'smarter' not harder!!
~ Orlando Part I attendee for re-certification, 3/11 (Joachim)
The information is well backed by research and hands-on practice.
~ Orlando Part I Cox Seminar attendee, 3/11 (Joachim)
The "speaker [Dr. George Joachim] was very knowledgeable! I learned more with him these few days than I have within the last 3 months. Thank you!"
Also, I would tell my colleagues "that within 1 weekend I learned how to treat antalgic patients so that they [might] see results within 12 visits / 29 days [average per 1000 cases study]! I would urge all students to get certified not only for their personal knowledge but for their patients!"
~ Orlando Part I attendee who is finishing chiropractic school, 3/11 (Joachim)
Thanks for great weekend - always leave with take home tips for Monday morning and feel like I get great information for clinical practice.
~ Orlando attendee, 3/11, Part I (Joachim)

Cox® Technic is highly researched, patient friendly, effective on difficult conditions.
- Dr. Skjegstad (Cox® Seminar, 2/11)
Thank you. Every time I come to Cox® Seminars, I leave feeling reassured that what I do is very, very important.
- Dr. Seery (Cox® Seminar, 2/11)
Great results. More referrals via word of mouth. Doctor feels more confidence in treating safely , effectively, and with less physical effort.
- attendee (Cox® Seminar 1/11)
Well his [Dr. Cox's] excitement definitely rubbed off on me. I've never heard Dr. Cox speak before but always heard he [Dr. Cox] was very good, but that's a definite understatement. I love the knowledge and passion he has for our profession. I would've signed up on my laptop [for the certification course] during the seminar but I had to check [on my schedule] :). I look forward to seeing you soon!
- Aaron Popp DC (attendee at Indiana State Chiropractic Association convention, March 2010)
Awesome seminar - backed up nicely with the latest research. Fantastic information for every practitioner!
The info is second to none.
- J DeJesus DC
I wanted to thank you for extremely exciting and informative weekend in Boston.
I can say without hesitation that this is the most enthusiastic I have felt following a conference for as long as I can remember.
The knowledge obtained in 18 hours alone was more useful and applicable than most of what was learned in school.  Dr. Cox's clinical expertise and love of research is infectious.
- Stephen R. Pedro, DC, Hartford, CT  
Hi Julie,
I wanted to send you a couple of notes of feedback on the seminar [November 2008, Part II].
I found the seminar to be a perfect blend of intellectual knowledge and hands on practical information. Before part 2, I was getting fairly good results with the instrument and wondered if it was really worth going to part 2. You know, the technique does seem fairly simple.
Once there, Dr Gudavalli measured my force with his instrument and found I was using half the force suggested. I spent four different sessions with him trying to perfect this. Then Dr. Cox improved my cervical technique dramatically at one of the lunch hours. I have noticed impressive patient improvements in the week since the seminar...So looking forward to part 3 now.
- Dr. Mark B. Frank (email correspondence 11/16/08)
Dr. Cox is a no nonsense teacher.
His passion for healing inspires me to be more scientific with my clinical approach and communication.
- 2/08 workshop attendee (Hawaii with Dr. Cox)
I have had the opportunity to take several courses from Dr. Cox on the application of flexion-distraction as the primary intervention for the treatment of low back pain. His work is a credit to the chiropractic profession, and his seminars are a must for any practitioner who wants to practice the technique [flexion-distraction].
- Jack Dolbin, DC
Dear Dr. Cox,
Your recent multi-disciplinary conference at Lutheran hospital in Fort Wayne exceeded my expectations, which are always high for your seminars. This particular Part Three recertification seminar ranks as one of the most important and useful of my 26 year chiropractic career, mainly because of your ability to weave a "seamless garment" of clinical practice management based on reality rather than hypothesis testing or experimenting on each patient.
I use the term "seamless garment" because my confidence begins with the initial history and exam of the patient, continues through imaging, analysis and diagnosis and, most importantly, is fulfilled when the patient experiences the powerful simplicity and ease of correcting disabling problems on The Cox® table.
Thank you for your continued successful focus on "routinizing" these most difficult clinical cases. I look forward to future conferences and developments.
- David J. Grossi, D.C.   
I have been using your technique for some time now but the experience of the seminar has shed new light on my practice procedures. It was exciting Monday morning to implement these procedures and see the positive response of my patients. It is also comforting to have the confidence and security that my examination is thorough, my diagnosis is specific and correct, and my treatment is effective. I strongly feel that Cox® flexion distraction is the state of the art conservative treatment of low back pain and ... I feel that every D.C. should be utilizing it in their practices.
- D.P.V., chiropractic physician
Yours is the only seminar I have ever attended where so much was packed into so little time ... the most thorough and stimulating professional lecture that I have ever attended.  On Monday morning I believe that I tested more reflexes, muscles and dermatomes than I have in any 30 days previously in 10 years of practice. Thank you for reawakening my intellect and challenging my diagnostic acumen. My practice has already changed, and I'm excited about the future."
- J.D.L., chiropractic physician.

If you desire to be the best doctor you can be for your patients and yourself this (Cox® Technic) is a must.  Science based, unbelievable success rate.  NO BRAINER and GENTLE with basically no risk to patients. – Patrick Martello DC  (Part III, January 2015, Tampa)