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7th Edition of LOW BACK PAIN Textbook

October 24, 2011 23:43 by juliecoxcid

The 7th edition of LOW BACK PAIN: Mechanism, Diagnosis, Treatment (published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins under Wolters Kluwers) is nearly here. Years of reading the spinal literature and tracking it all go into this edition. Dr. James Cox leads the authorship of this textbook on low back pain with many contributing authors in their respective areas of expertise. Forewards written by Dr. Claire Johnson, editor of JMPT and JCM, Dr. Glenn Manceaux, past president of the American Chiropractic Association, Dr. Rudy Kachmann, neurosurgeon, Dr. Kim Lombardy, associate professor of the Medical College of Georgia, and Dr. William Meeker, president of Palmer College of Chiropractic West, open the text and the readers to what awaits them.

The first hardcopy arrived in Dr. Cox's hands last Friday. Nearly bringing tears to his eyes, this textbook represents a culmination of not just the past 12 years' worth of research but also but also all the effort to deliver the highest quality and current research on the biomechanics, diagnosis, examination and treatment of the low back pain epidemic. Today's back pain specialist will appreciate this textbook. Dr. Cox claims this will be the last book he'll author like this on the low back. We'll see!

Pre-orders are being taken. The official publish date is November 7, 2011.

Click here for more information and to pre-order.

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