Convention Presentations

Presenting at chiropractic and medical conventions is always a special opportunity. Many organizations from the United States and around the world have invited a presentation of Cox® Technic evidence-based protocols and documented clinical outcomes.
Some of the past conventions include...
Challenge of the Lumbar Spine - San Francisco, California December 8-10, 1982
Danish Chiropractic Association - Copenhagen, Denmark 

August 1986

Challenge of the Lumbar Spine - San Francisco, California November 6-9, 1986
Netherlands' Chiropractic Association - the Hague, Netherlands April 22-24, 1989
American Back Society Fall Symposium on Back Pain - Las Vegas      
- faculty member speaking on New Developments in the Chiropractic Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Disease and Chiropractic Care of Intervertebral Disc Protrusions.  
- panel member in ABS Grand Rounds with clinical case presentations to a multidisciplinary panel
- lecturer of 8-hours on Mechanism, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Low Back Pain with Chiropractic Protocol (12/2/89).
Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 1989
Japanese Chiropractic Association - Nagoya, Japan
- spoke for the 20th Anniversary Seminar on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain  
Nov. 23-25, 1990
European Chiropractic Union Convention  May 1998               
FCER sponsored ADebate on the Disc for the International Conference on Spinal Manipulation      July 1998
Florida Chiropractic Association Spring Convention Panama City Beach                                        March 1999
Texas Chiropractic Association, Corpus Christi  July 1999
Florida Chiropractic Association Fall Convention, Orlando August 1999
Indiana State Chiropractic Association Fall Convention, Indianapolis  October 1999
ACCR Fall Convention, Philadelphia, PA      October 1999

Chiropractic Education Australia (3 courses: Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne)

Oct/Nov 1999
American Chiropractic Council of Orthopedics, San Francisco    

April 2000

West Virginia Chiropractic Association Convention    June 2000
Collegio de Profesionistas Cientifico Quiropracticos de Mexico, Lumbar Spine Symp January 2001
Florida Chiropractic Association, Spring Panhandle Convention February 2002
ACCR Research Conference: New Orleans    March 2002
Florida Chiropractic Association, Summer Convention, Sarasota  June 2002
Parker Convention: Las Vegas  January 2003
Alabama State Chiropractic Association    June 2003
FCA National Convention, Orlando August 2003
FCA National Convention, Orlando FL, 4 hours  August 28, 2004
Parker College Homecoming, 8 hours  Sept 17-18, 2004
New York Chiropractic Association annual meeting 12 hours January 27-28, 2005
California Chiropractic Association, 8 hours          Feb. 26-27, 2005
Western States College of Chiropractic Lecture, 6 hours

March 5-6, 2005

Swiss Chiropractic Association lecture, 6 hours May 2005
American Chiropractic College of Radiology 2 hour lecture Oct. 20-22, 2005
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, 12 hours March 25-26, 2006
European Chiropractic Union Convention, Stockholm, Sweden, 8 hours May 25-27, 2006
IFEC Chiropractic University, Paris, France, 8 hours  June 2, 2006
Montana Chiropractic Association Convention, Bozeman MT  May 18-19, 2007
ACCR Convention with Colorado Chiropractic Association – 4 hours  October 20-21, 2007
European Chiropractic Union, Brussels, Belgium  May 1-3, 2008
Connecticut Chiropractic Association, 4 hrs   December 5, 2008
American College of Chiropractic Orthopedists, San Antonio, TX, 8 hrs May 9, 2009
Oregon Chiropractic Association, Portland, OR    February 19, 2010