Current Online Course Approvals List
If you want CE credits for a course, please check the list before you register!
Not all Courses are Approved by All States - PLEASE CHECK BELOW FIRST.
If your state IS NOT approved, contact us to file an application and pay the fees.
*CE Credit applied for by:
National University of Health Sciences
Lincoln College of Postprofessional, Graduate and Continuing Education
200 E. Roosevelt Rd. ● Lombard, IL 60148 ● (630) 889 – 6622
After you take a course, you must print out the appropriate approvals list to go with the certificate to verify that credits are available when you take the course.
Just Click the Date below:
- as of January 15, 2025
- as of August 30, 2024
- as of April 24, 2024
- as of February 20, 2024
- as of October 31, 2023
- as of August 18, 2023
- as of June 14, 2023
- as of May 8, 2023
- as of December 12, 2022
- as of October 17, 2022
- as of July 14, 2022
- as of May 9, 2022
- as of April 21, 2022
OLD approval lists by date:
- as of August 2015
- as of October 15, 2015
- as of December 15, 2015
- as of January 28, 2016
- as of April 5, 2016
- as of May 2, 2016
- as of June 20, 2016
- as of August 2, 2016
- as of October 10, 2016
- as of November 15, 2016
- as of December 28, 2016
- as of February 16. 2017
- as of February 16, 2017 plus the new set of courses approved
- as of March 30, 2017
- as of May 4, 2017
- as of August 11, 2017
- as of November 20, 2017
- as of January 19, 2018
- as of March 20, 2018
- as of June 26, 2018
- as of November 13, 2018
- as of January 14, 2019
- as of January 15, 2019
- as of January 22, 2019 - has new 2018 webinar CE approvals
- as of April 16, 2019
- as of July 9, 2019
- as of November 12, 2019
- as of March 25, 2020 (TX and NC are resubmitted for 2018 courses)
- as of April 1, 2020
- as of April 6, 2020 (TX and NC new approvals)
- as of May 4, 2020
- as of June 25, 2020
- as of June 30, 2020
- as of October 9, 2020
- as of October 22, 2020
- as of December 2, 2020
- as of December 14, 2020 (with new 2020 course approvals started)
- as of January 26, 2021
- as of January 29, 2021
- as of February 1, 2021
- as of February 11, 2021
- as of February 26, 2021 (TX online added)
- as of April 13, 2021
- as of May 12, 2021
- as of June 1, 2021
- as of June 8, 2021
- as of June 23, 2021 (note: KY new approval starts 8/14/21-8/14/22 - max 8 hrs in one day; 10 hrs overall)
- as of July 17, 2021
- as of 8-3-21
- as of 9/20/21 PA approval of TS
- as of 10/11/21 MS added for online
- as of 11/17/21
- as of February 1, 2022 .
- as of February 10, 2022
- as of March 3, 2022
** If your state is not approved currently for a course/series of courses you want to take, let Julie know. We can get that approved. Thank you!