Discussion Forum for Cox Technic
Join the new Facebook Group "
Doctors Who Want To Discuss Cox® Technic" where flexion distraction and decompression uses and outcomes are open for discussion. Guided by participants, Cox
® Technic questions can be discussed. Often, doctors want some insight into a new patient's condition and the proper care. Cox
® Technic protocols are documented, but some actual patient cases may have twists that another practicing Cox
® Technic physician may be able to offer insight to.
The flexion distraction discussion group, like any chiropractic online forum, is only as good and valuable as its participants and their willingness to share their experiences. The more who join, the better.
For some time, such an online flexion distraction discussion group has been requested. This Facebook Group is a starting point. Join today to lend your experience to the discussion. Join today to share your successes. Join today to ask questions. Join today to keep abreast of your colleagues' clinical application of Cox® Technic flexion distraction and decompression. Share what works for you in improving patient communication and congruence with your treatment plan. Share how you work with local healthcare colleagues successfully.