Evidence-Based Chiropractic Spinal Care
"Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research..." (1)
Healthcare calls for evidence based medicine, and groups of physicians are setting guidelines to follow. For back pain, the American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians recommend spinal manipulation as primary care of low back pain. (2)
Chiropractic researchers are working to provide the evidence for chiropractic care of back pain.
Evidence shows that chiropractic is favorable for back pain relief.
- back pain care initiated with a chiropractor is 20% less expensive than that initiated with a medical doctor. (3)
- Canadian Armed Forces find 94% of personnel and 80% of referring physicians are satisfied with chiropractic care of patients. (4)
Evidence further shows that Cox® Technic flexion-distraction care is favorable for back pain.
- reduces the healthcare visits a patient makes in the year following care for back pain relief. (5)
- is more effective at relieving back pain for 1 year compared to physical therapy (6)
- reduces intradiscal pressures to as low as -192mmHg and opens the spinal canal area by 28% (7)
- is superior to physical therapy's active exercise for the relief of radiculopathy (leg pain) (8)
Evidence-based medicine benefits the care of back pain patients. Cox® Technic shares and continues to foster more evidence behind its protocols and outcomes in biomechanics studies including research about the forces applied as well as clinical studies, in textbooks and journals, in case reports in peer-reviewed journals and online. The back pain patients seek care from the chiropractic back pain specialist who competently examines, diagnoses and treats their back pain with good clinical outcomes.