
Cox® Technic chiropractic protocols involve spinal flexion-distraction and decompression adjustment with an appropriate combination of …

  • electrical stimulation
  • physiological therapeutics, including heat and ice therapy, massage therapy, trigger point therapy, and exercise
  • nutrition
  • neck or back braces
  • back school instruction
  • pain management
  • X-rays
  • MRI / imaging
  • ergonomic training

Over the years – with research findings and clinical experience leading the way – these chiropractic protocols have evolved. Nuances and special applications of Cox Technic are described in various published journals and textbooks. But the foundation remains as described in the textbooks by James M. Cox:  Low Back Pain: Mechanism, Diagnosis and Treatment and Neck, Shoulder and Arm Pain: Mechanism, Diagnosis and Treatment for the cervical spine.

The goal of Cox® Technic chiropractic protocols is control of the back pain condition. To that end, patient and doctor must work together toward healing and maintaining quality of life.

For further information on Cox® Technic chiropractic protocols, review the following documentation:

And please contact Cox® Technic for answers to specific queries.