
"I am a Cox® certified doctor who has had the new [Cox7®] table for over 4 years. I was amazed at how much I learned on improving my technique. If you have not returned to Cox® Seminars in a while, you will be impressed by how much you will learn in areas you thought you had mastered. As you all know Dr. Jim does not sit still and the research is constantly getting better and better."
~ Orlando Part I (3/11) attendee for Re-Certification

Cox® Technic Re-Certification offers Cox® certified physicians the opportunity to study with each other, share their successes and challenges, their new clinical applications, and their unique practice situations. It also is a means to assure the back pain and neck pain patients seeking Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression care, will receive treatment similar to that which they have grown accustomed to, and have also experienced pain relief with.

Goal of Re-certification

The Re-Certification process enhances Cox® Certified Practitioners’ awareness and knowledge of the latest research outcomes and clinical application of flexion distraction procedures related to Cox® Technic.


To attain/retain "ACTIVE" status on the website, you will need to do ONLY ONE of the following every 2 years (to extend your listing for 2 years)
  1. Attend an on-site 12 hour Cox® Seminar - your choice: PART I, PART II, PART III, Part IV, or Honors Course (no new test, only attendance). Attending a course sponsored by F/D Enterprise as a certified Cox® Physician, you will receive 15% off the regular seminar price.  "...thank you for a WONDERFUL seminar!  I really needed the refresher!  I promise myself I will not let it go that long in the future." - L. Grgula, DC, Arizona, Cox® Re-Certified
  2. NEW! Take 12 (1 hour each) online courses, with quizzes, via this link. You will need to set up a New Account, then look at the catalog list of courses. You may take ANY of the courses to Re-Certify. (If you choose this option repeatedly, please select different courses each year for re-certification.) Some have CE credits and some don't.  Please click here to view CE for states. Register for each individually. $40/each You will have 30 days access from date of purchase. 
  3. NEW! Take 8 (1 hour each) online courses, with quizzes, via this link, $40/each as stated above.  Plus, take a 4 hour Hands-On Workshop (CE credit may not be available), $250, to total your 12 hours needed for Re-Certification. Hands-on Workshops may not be available in your area or specific date may not be available.
  4. Write a case report:  Write a case report on a patient that you treated using Cox® Technic protocols (approved by the Cox® Technic reviewers) in proper format and include a clear discussion of recent Cox® Technic research outcomes. Fee: $175
You are encouraged to seek publication in JMPT, Osteopathy & Chiropractic, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Journal of the Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists, etc. Please check their websites for author instructions.
If you do not choose to seek formal publication, we would invite you to consider sharing/publishing a case report via this website. If published on a website, it is not able to be published in a journal, so consider your options before choosing journal or website publishing.  
Fee to Re-Certify With Case Report Submission is $175.00.
Case Report Protocol

Maintenance of “ACTIVE" CERTIFIED Status
Once “Certified” or "Re-Certified," the physician's name is listed in the Referral Directory as — ACTIVE

After January 1, 2007, all Certified Cox® Technic Physicians must Re-Certify once every 2 years, to maintain his/her ACTIVE status in the Referral Directory.

Below is the time line for staying ACTIVE on the Referral Directory: 
Certify or Re-Certify in 2017, ACTIVE until January 1, 2020.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2018, ACTIVE until January 1, 2021.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2019, ACTIVE until January 1, 2022.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2020, ACTIVE until January 1, 2023.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2021, ACTIVE until January 1, 2024.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2022, ACTIVE until January 1, 2025.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2023, ACTIVE until January 1, 2026.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2024, ACTIVE until January 1, 2027.
Certify or Re-Certify in 2025, ACTIVE until January 1, 2028.

If a doctor is not Re-Certified, he/she will be REMOVED from the Referral Directory until Re-Certification takes place.

* NOTE: Certification in Cox® Technic Flexion-Distraction and Decompression (aka flexion-distraction) and listing in the Referral Directory is a responsibility as is maintenance of the listings as reliable. A patient seeking a practitioner who does this technique does so in hopes of finding a physician to care for his/her spinal condition with this technique on a flexion-distraction table. We strive to keep the listings accurate. Please keep in touch with us!