References for Spinal Stenosis Brochure

References for Cox® Spinal Stenosis brochure 2018

  1. Truszczyriska A, Drzal-Grabiec J, Trzaskoma Z, Rapala K, Tarnowski A, Gorniak K.  Comparative Analysis of Static Balance Between Patients With Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis and Asymptomatic Participants. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2014;37(9):696-701.
  2. Sasaki K, Senda M, Katayama Y, et al. Characteristics of postural sway during quiet standing before and after the occurrence of neurogenic intermittent claudication in female patients with degenerative lumbar spinal canal stenosis. J Phys Ther Sci 2013;25:675–678.
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  19. Simotas AC. Non-operative treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis: clinical and outcome results and a 3 year survivorship analysis. Spine 2000;25(2):197-203; discussions 203-4.
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  22. Atlas SJ, Keller RB, Su YA, Deyo RA, Singer DE. Long Term Outcomes Of Surgical And Non-surgical Management Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: 8 To 10 Year Results From The Maine Lumbar Spine Study. Spine 2005;30(8):936-43.
  23. Nemec F, Ryba L, Repko M, Chaloupka R. Quality of Life in the Patients Treated for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Three-Year Follow-up Study. ACTA Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae Et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca 2010;77(6):484-488.
  24. Foulongne E, Derrey S, Ould Slimane M, Levèque S, Tobenas AC, Dujardin F, Fréger P, Chassagne P, Proust F. Lumbar spinal stenosis: Which predictive factors of favorable functional results after decompressive laminectomy? Neurochirurgie. 2012 Dec 13. pii: S0028-3770(12).
  25. Choi J, Lee S, Jeon C. Effects of flexion-distraction manipulation therapy on pain and disability in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2015;27(6):1937-1939. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.1937.
  26. Gudavalli R in Chapter  6: “Biomechanics Research on Flexion Distraction Procedure.”  Cox JM: Low Back Pain: Mechanism, Diagnosis, Treatment 7th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2011, pages 212-224.
  27. Bulbulian R, Burke J, Dishman JD. Spinal reflex excitability changes after lumbar spine passive flexion mobilization. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2002;25(8):526-32.
  28. Gudavalli MR, Cambron JA, McGregor M, et al. A randomized clinical trial and subgroup analysis to compare flexion-distraction with active exercise for chronic low back pain. Eur Spine J, 2006, 15: 1070–1082.
  29. Cox JM, Cox JM II. Chiropractic treatment of lumbar spine synovial cysts: a report of two cases. J Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2005;28(2):143-147
  30. Schliesser JS, Kruse RA, Fleming Fallon L. Cervical radiculopathy treated with chiropractic flexion distraction manipulation: a retrospective study in a private practice setting: JMPT 26(9):E19.
  31. Kruse RA, Gregerson D. Cervical Spinal stenosis resulting in radiculopathy treated with flexion-distraction manipulation: A case study. J of the Neuromusculoskeletal System 2002;10(4):141-7
  32. Snow G. Chiropractic management of a patient with lumbar spinal stenosis. JMPT 2001;24(4):300-4.
  33. DuPriest CM.  Non-operative management of lumbar spinal stenosis. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1993;16(6):411-4.
  34. Murphy DR, Hurwitz EL, Gregory AA, Clary R. A non-surgical approach to the management of lumbar spinal stenosis: A prospective observational cohort study. BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 2006; 7:NIL_1-NIL_8.
  35. Hansson T, Suzuki N, Hebelka H, Gaulitz A. The narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal during loaded MRI: the effects of the disc and ligamentum flavum. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL 18 (5). MAY 2009. p.679-686.