James Cox is offering 44 scholarships this year to attend a 2024 Cox® Technic
Lumbar Spine Parts I/II Course: 11 scholarships to each of 4 courses. If any
remain after a course, he’ll add it/them to the next one. 44 in total will be
distributed this year.
scholarships are for recent chiropractic college graduates with a chiropractic degree (within the past 2 years of the date you apply) to attend a
Parts I/II Lumbar Spine Course (4 days) as a chiropractor ($1600) and take the
certification test ($75). The total value is $1675.
costs are not covered.
- Be a recent chiropractic graduate. (within the past 2 years of the date you apply) Send a picture of your DC diploma.
- Commit to attend all 4 days. (no exemptions due to Cox® instruction in past)
- Submit a statement of purpose. (250-500 words - What draws you to this technique?)
- Post-seminar: Submit a description of the experience and how it will impact your practice. (250 words)
mission is clear: To assist his younger colleagues
in their transition from academia to clinical practice from reading about disc
herniation cases to seeing cases presented, from spending the day preparing for
clinical practice to interacting with experienced clinicians who are excited to
share their clinical experience with you as you enter the chiropractic
profession as a back pain specialist that the public expects. All instructors
are clinical researchers and seasoned clinicians in active practice with
diplomate status in orthopedics, radiology, sports medicine and rehabilitation,
and diagnosis. The bonus: you’ll gather the latest in spine research
findings and practice the evidence-based protocols of The Cox® Technic System
of Spinal Pain Management.
you come to the Fort Wayne course, Dr. Cox will see you there in person for a
few hours. If you go to FL or MO, you’ll see him via a video message.
will review applications, and you will be notified directly of acceptance by
email at least a month in advance if not sooner. If you are unable to accept, we ask that
you inform us as soon as possible, to allow someone else to benefit from the
scholarship. Your scholarship cannot be used by anyone else.
March 14-17,
West Palm
Beach FL (Keiser)
April 18-21,
Fort Wayne IN
24-27, 2024
St. Louis MO
7-10, 2024
Fort Wayne IN
look forward to receiving your application and seeing you at the course!
See Dr. Cox describe his vision for these scholarships:
Contact Julie at (260)637-6609 or