A 36 year old white married male is seen 12-3-02 for low back and left lower extremity pain which radiates into the anterior thigh to the knee, and the posterior thigh, lateral leg, and into the dorsal of the foot to the great toe which is numb. This is the most severe pain that he has ever experienced in his low back or lower extremities. In January 2001, he was seen for pain extending down the left posterior thigh, lateral leg, and dorsal of the foot with a clinical diagnosis of an L4-L5 disc herniation. We successfully treated to relieve this pain in January 2001, but as typical of many patients, he did not continue his stabilization exercises, over-utilized his low back in bending, lifting, and twisting, failed to understand the severity of his back problem, and therefore did nothing to prevent the recurrence of this problem in December 2002. Sucessful recovery of pain came with use of Cox Technic.