Yes, a thoracic drop is available on The Cox8® Table. If pelvic drop is desired, the patient positioning can be altered so the pelvis is on the bottom/caudal section of the thoracic cushion. The manual actuation drop is on the caudal portion of the thoracic cushion.
Permalink  Experience with hy-lo in his early years of having patients in severe pain falling when they got off the table influenced . It is better to have patients practice getting on and off the table in your office/presence as they will have to do this at home getting into bed, etc. Patients are directed to tighten their abdominal and gluteal muscles to stabilize their spines when getting up and down. Permalink  Decompression is the reduction of intradiscal pressures to relieve pain. Permalink  Yes, all sections of the table can be made level to accommodate other techniques. Permalink  Yes, as Cox Technic incorporates decompression by its application. Permalink  Yes, he does. All patient information - exam findings, imaging reports and actual films/CDs of imaging - can be sent to Dr. Cox at Fort Wayne Chiropractic Radiological Center along with the review fee of $150. Dr. James M. Cox is a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiologists. Click here for more information. Permalink  Sitting for short periods of time if you need may be ok. Your back will guide you in this regard, but know that sitting increases intradiscal pressures which may increase pain. If you must sit, do so for short periods of time and take a break to stand up and walk around every 15 to 30 minutes. Permalink  The Cox® Technic Hands-on Workshops, offered by private clinicians who are certified Cox® Technic chiropractic physicians, are great for just hands-on practice. The instructors will work with you to hone your application skills and discuss clinical incorporation of the technique. Some even have CE hours available! Click here for more information on Hand-On Workshops. Keep in mind that coming to a Part I, II or III or Honors Course after having had a course in school will likely enhance your clinical outcomes with Cox Technic. Check the calendar for up-coming courses. Permalink  Students and graduates who pass a qualified course on campuses which offer a Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction course are exempt from taking Part I if they took and successfully passed a full Cox® Technic course taught by a Cox® Certified instructor in a recognized chiropractic school. The course syllabus must also be on file with us. Call 1-800-441-5571 to confirm. Such an exemption allows the student or graduated doctor to attend the Part II Cox® Certification Course and take the certification examination if he or she chooses. This must be done within 2 years of graduation.Permalink  The Cox® Technic Certification exam involves the review of patient cases including images and clinical findings, the diagnosis of the cases, and the demonstration of the proper application of Protocol I or Protocol II lumbar spine protocols. You will be expected to recognize by symptomatology the patients’ conditions demanding Protocol I or Protocol II. You will apply each protocol correctly to the correct patient type. Click here for 'The Study Guide'
Permalink  Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression protocols - examination, diagnosis, treatment - for cervical spine pain conditions is introduced at Part I and built on, with more hands-on at Part II. Part III courses focus on cervical spine. You may also view or take an Online Webinar/Course.... please click here for more information... Part IV courses focus on the thoracic spine. Honors Courses are topic focused with attendee-case-presentations and current spine literature updates and hands-on demo sessions. Permalink  Likely. National University Of Health Sciences is the continuing education filing and maintenance entity of Cox® Seminars, put on by F/D Enterprise LLC. Continuing Education credits for most US states for Part I & Part II & most Part III courses are applied. With enough notice to meet state required deadlines, we can arrange for CE. CE credit is not guaranteed. Check with your state board to confirm its acceptance of the CE hours. Permalink  To be certified in Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression protocols (lumbar spine), you must meet the requirements for Lumbar Spine Certification via the Part I & one Part II courses and pass the clinical and practical certification exam (only offered at Part II). To be certified in Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression protocols (cervical spine), you must meet the requirements for Cervical Spine Certification (Part III) and pass the associated clinical and practical certification exam. To be certified in Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression protocols (thoracic spine), you must meet the requirement s for Thoracic Spine Certification (Part IV) and pass the associated clinical and practical certification exam. Permalink  The Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression Certification Course (18 hrs CE) Part II is offered only in Fort Wayne, IN. The dates are on the schedule page along with the Part I course (12 hrs CE). If you want to attend ONLY the Part II course, it starts on Friday at 1pm and ends Sunday at 11am. To be Certified, you must take the exam at Part II, which takes place on Saturday. Part I starts at 9am Thursday. Permalink  Being certified in Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression protocols affords the chiropractic physician benefits for him/herself, the patient, the profession, the business and the community.
- Confidence in caring for the most severe as well as most routine low back patients.
- The certified doctor won’t fear the antalgic sciatic patient.
- Inclusion in the referral directory
- Prestige of public and professional positioning as the spine doctor or the back pain specialist in the community
- Refer with confidence to fellow physicians who treat similarly to you.
- Access and permission to use specially developed marketing materials.
- A certified doctor seal on your Cox Technic Complete website.
- An included backlinking premium page in the referral directory.
Permalink  Once you have been Certified in the Cox® Technic you are listed as 'Active'. To stay listed as 'Active', you must take one 12 hour course ( Part I, Part II, or Part III (to be called the HONORS COURSE in 2018 when Part III will become the Cervical Spine Certification Course), once every 2 years - or - other options listed on our Re-Certification here!
'Inactive' Certified Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression physicians have not been to a Cox® Technic Certification course in the past two years. Permalink  Cox® Technic is chiropractic spinal manipulation which is easily recognized as the 98940 series of codes depending on the number of regions treated.... 98941, 98942. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) coding and billing guidelines state this as well, 'that flexion-distraction is spinal manipulation' and coded as such. IF THE DOCTOR is using a newer model of the Cox® Table (7 or 8)...the 97012 UNASSISTED TRACTION code could be used since the newer tables can be programmed to automatically axially distract a patient for a period of time. Such billing would be for a separate session of unassisted traction following or in advance of the spinal manipulation using Cox Technic protocols. Permalink  Insurance policies are regulated by rules and insurance company offerings. Having stated that, if you have a policy that have coverage for chiropractic care, Cox Technic is covered to the extent chiropractic is. Cox Technic is spinal manipulation. Permalink  |