Everyone's healing experience is individual making the answer to this question inexact. However, we do know that it takes 3 months to heal a disc. Like a broken arm, once casted (treated) the pain subsides and goes away, but the cast must remain in place while the arm heals. So pain is not the only indicator for healing. Back pain patients will find that the back pain will subside under treatment and even go away. When it goes away, we reiterate that it takes time for the body to heal and encourage continued home care and careful ergonomics. Bones heal in about 5 to 6 weeks. Ligaments and tendons take about 6 to 8 weeks. Discs and cartilage take about 3 months. A 1000 cases study revealed relief by conditions for 91% of patients. Permalink  No! It's gentle. It stretches the spine. Patients with back pain often comment that it would feel good if someone just pulled them apart. Well, this is gentle application of this principle by a trained physician who has tissue tension sense and can feel the spine and its response to treatment. It's relaxing and effective.
Permalink  Cox Technic is spinal manipulation and chiropractic care and coded as such for insurance purposes. The actual cost of the Cox Technic treatment will be up to your treating chiropractic physician. Cox Technic as spinal manipulation will be one charge. If your doctor adds any ancillary care (electrical stimulation, acupuncture, acupressure, trigger point therapy, hot/cold therapy, etc.), that may be an extra fee. Please ask your chiropractor what Cox Technic will cost and about insurance coverage. Permalink  Yes, Haven Innovation can arrange shipment of The Cox Table anywhere in the world with enough notice. Haven has lots of experience with this! Contact Lance by email or phone 616-935-1040. Permalink  Haven Innovation is always ready to discuss the cost and any special financing available for The Cox Table. Contact Lance by email or phone 616-935-1040. Permalink  No, the headpiece / cervical headpiece of The Cox Table is not automated. With the cervical spine, the motions are controlled at all times by the treating chiropractic physician and with careful tolerance testing as for all spinal application of Cox Technic protocols. Permalink  Ask! Contact Haven Innovation for parts for The Cox Table by email or phone 616-935-1040. Permalink  Service for The Cox Table is just a phone call away to Haven Innovation. Call 616-935-1040. Permalink  With careful tolerance testing and good wound healing, 8 weeks. Permalink  On behalf of Cox® Technic and its mechanisms of relief, our professional study and documentation has be focused on this. I encourage you to ask them about their research for disc issues and sciatica. As far as how I would address this with a patient, I would share the European Spine Journal article on outcomes for radiculopathy (See table 9.) in the federally funded research study (Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine and National University of Health Sciences) where flexion distraction care relief exceeded active exercise outcomes by 250% (VAS drops: 26.47 FD vs 10.91 ATEP). Permalink  |