CAA (Australia) Approves Part I Online for FLA hours!

"This program has been assessed by the Chiropractors' Association of Australia (National) Ltd, an approved assessing body of the Chiropactic Board of Australia, and allocated 8 Formal Learning Activity Hours for Cox Technic Certification Course Part I."
The Part I Cox Technic Certification Course is the foundational course toward becoming trained and certified in Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression Spinal Manipulation and being listed in the referral directory of such physicians.
Over the past few years, flexion distraction has been growing in interest in Australia. Several chiropractic physicians from Australia have ventured to the U.S. for training and certification in its protocols. They have found that it is more than just flexing a table!
I would tell a colleague to attend because this is “one of the best research backed technique available to our profession.”
- Dr. Mark Carter, Australia,  4/14 Parts I/II combined course
The live courses are a mix of hands-on and didactic presentations whereas the online is didactic with case presentations and video demonstrations of treatment application. That makes it essential to get a hands-on workshop in to complete training. 
The exciting parts were “The [pressure-measuring] transducer & instructors’ help with technique, cases were also very beneficial.” 
- Bess McCann DC, Australia (Parts I/II, 5/13, Fort Wayne, IN)
But until you can make a hands-on course, the online course will give you a glimpse into what Cox Technic flexion distraction is all about. 
"A fantastic way to refresh knowledge and refine technique. A great way to enhance your evidence-based practice!"  
– Amelia Pappas, Melbourne
Its doesn't take much to influence your clinical application of Cox Technic and up your patient clinical outcomes. It just takes time and commitment. 

"Thank you so much for having me! I have a new confidence in using the technique an have learned an enormous amount in such a short time. Can’t wait for Part 3! Hope to have you in Australia one day!" 

– A. Pappas, Melbourne
Until that time when we get to Australia (!), join Cox Technic online for information and FLA credits in Australia.
8 hours area available for FLA credits at the ONLINE COX TECHNIC WEBSITE. Make a personalized account for yourself and choose the PART I courses (Hour 1 through Hour 8) for a maximum of 8 FLA hours. Take them one at a time. You have 30 days' access and receive a certificate at the end of the course after you pass the quiz. Take this first step toward certification in Cox Technic...the second would be a 4 hours hands-on workshop. More information to come on these. 

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