How Does Chiropractic Enrich Your Life? 5 Ways
- Chiropractic science and art are based on natural healing of body ills, primarily the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. No surgery or drugs are used in treating nervous and skeletal pain; the principal mode of treatment is spine and extremity manipulation and mobilization, soft tissue care to include trigger points, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, exercise, nutrition, bracing, rehabilitation, balance training, fall prevention, training in injury prevention, and functional medicine for treating metabolic diseases. Conditions like spinal stenosis, osteoporosis, degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, and aging spine changes are important areas of chiropractic clinical practice and benefit.
- Vital to chiropractic success is increasing and maintaining range of joint motion as seen when pain and disability are reversed. Life is Motion and Motion is Life. Good health requires good motions of all body joints with emphasis on the spine and extremities. Chiropractic uses specialized spine diagnose and treatment to determine the cause of spine and joint pain and disability. The most researched methods of spine manipulation and mobilization are used in treatment. While some patients tolerate stronger spine manipulation, many require less vigorous treatment known as mobilization; therefore, patient care is guided by patient tolerance and response to care. Today’s advanced procedures are pain free.
- Chiropractic stresses the importance of keeping the Life Line - the SPINE - capable of all potential normal motions so it can support vital body parts (heart, chest, lungs, intestines, urination, glands, brain, extremities). This assists optimum body functions and system health (digestion, elimination, concentration, energy, mental attitude). An example of this relationship is breathing where we find improved respiration with improved posture.
- Chiropractic emphasizes care of the nervous system (spinal cord and nerves supplying the body) and relief from chronic pain while allowing the body to achieve its maximum abilities in daily activities. The nervous system regulates all other body systems (circulatory, digestive, elimination, musculoskeletal, reproductive, etc.). The nervous system includes the autonomic nervous system which is made up of sympathetic (stimulative nerves) and parasympathetic nerves (calming nerves); chiropractic care seeks to balance these functions to create homeostasis (normal functioning nervous system).
- Chiropractic stresses repair of bodily damage from injury, mechanical pain caused by disc degeneration, scoliosis, nutritional deficiency, aging inflammation, lack of exercise, and neglect. Constant chiropractic research to find new health improvements in spine care, nutrition, physiological procedures and general health to incorporate into your health care is ongoing and the commitment of the chiropractic profession to its patients. An example of how research directs chiropractic treatment is a paper published November 2022 showing that pressure inside the spinal disc reduces during flexion distraction chiropractic spine manipulation and mobilization. This type research directs future spine treatment.
Chiropractic combines spine treatment for pain, disc degeneration treatment, faulty spine development, spine curvature, natural aging spine change, prevention of spine surgery, and rehabilitation of spine pain and disability to gain optimum health.
Respectfully submitted,
James M. Cox, DC, DACBR, FICC, FIANM(H), HonDLitt
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