Low Back Pain Webinar - "Dr. Cox was on fire!"

"Thank you for the superb seminar. Wow. Dr Cox was on fire! I like the new look of the slides background and graphics. Keep it up. Amazing cases. Anxious to be attending the next webinar." - attendee comment from the 2/15/12 webinar
Dr. Cox presented an hour chiropractic webinar on low back pain. He opened with slides of the newest spinal research articles to be published that affect the back pain specialist's practice - brand new articles! - then shared 6 patient cases. Five were his own patients and one was by Dr. Randy Rein whose case report is February 2012's Cox Technic Case Report of the Month. The cases feature multiple disc herniations resulting in back pain only, bilateral leg pain and leg pain that extends down the opposite leg of where the disc bulges! Plus, Dr. Cox shared for the first time a case that he has followed for 16 years. A case that is post surgical continued pain, but the patient didn't want more surgery and finds relief and control of his back pain with the Cox Technic Flexion Distraction System of care. His xrays and MRIs are shared as well as his treatment and his totally ergonomically altered office space that allows him to work as painfree and non-spine-aggravating as possible.
Plan to join the next live webinar on March 14, 2012, when Dr. Cox shares discal cysts: their diagnosis, treatment and outcomes.

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