Not Spinal Stenosis! Chiropratic for its Lower Back Pain Relief

spinal stenosis"Back pain. Blah! It wouldn't stop me," brags the baby boomer...until it does! A likely culprit is spinal stenosis. So many baby boomers hear the diagnosis  of spinal stenosis because it's degenerative in nature. As we age, we lose nutrients and water and such in the skin, organs, disc. That's how it is for many people. But chiropractic's Cox Technic just may keep you going.
Cox Technic flexion distraction and decompression addresses spinal stenosis so gently and effectively. It widens the intervertebral foramen and drops intradiscal pressures. It "stretches" the spine safely and effectively. So much so that Cox Technic back pain patients seek practitioners wherever they go be it on vacation or visiting family or fleeing the northern winter for some southern warmth. (The Cox Technic physician referral directory gets really busy in the winter!)
Dr. Randy Rein, a certified Cox Technic physician, shares a spinal stenosis case report about a baby boomer patient of his who suffers with spinal stenosis and finds relief with his Cox Technic treatment plan.
For more information, please click a link: certified doctors, Cox SeminarsOn-Demand Webinars and how Cox Technic helps.

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