We wanted to share some information about an on-going opportunity that is expanding for certified doctors in Cox Technic protocols with
Briefly, Occtegrity partners with large forward-thinking self-insured companies to reduce their worker's compensation spend. It does this by having the initial referral for all non-surgical musculoskeletal disorders to evidence-based DCs.
More in depth, Occtegrity is a "physician-led evidence-based care pathway provider focused on reducing medical costs by providing the Right Care at the Right Time." Occtegrity "solves the question of choice and reveals Evidence-based Care (EBC) pathway choices to employers for medical costs, outcomes, and employee satisfaction. The key to EBC is to eliminate Clinical Variation (waste) with the right Entry Point - the Right Path. Where employees enter the Medical Treatment continuum determines care quality and cost for both Workers Comp and General Health care delivery."
Occtegrity looks to the referral directory of certified Cox® Technic physicians when a new company starts to use its service.
Occtegrity may reach out to our certified physicians with an invitation to participate as needed geographically. Occtegrity limits the number of doctors in the system geographically.
This is one way certification differentiates certified doctors as back pain specialists prepared to deal with spine pain effectively.
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