Proceedings of the Tampa Part III Cox Seminar January 2017
compiled by Julie Cox-Cid
The Tampa Part III was highly anticipated … fortunately not
just for the hope of a warm, sunny spot for a winter escape as it wasn’t
(sadly!). The Tampa Part III course brought together 35 experienced
chiropractors for a weekend of research sharing, inspiration, and clinical
“It's been a couple years since I've been to a part 3 and I
was once again awed by Dr. Cox, his team and the Chiropractors in attendance.
The inspiration to get back to the clinic and roll my sleeves up and get to
work was much needed. This new patient
was the first of the day [Monday after course]. Classic cervical disc issues.” –
Travis Cross DC
Dr. James Cox, developer of Cox Technic, started the weekend
with a short introduction, describing his vision for the weekend and then
introducing Dr. Ronald Evans, chiropractic orthopedic diplomate fellow and
Dr. James Brandt, president of the Academy of Chiropractic
Orthopedists and certified Cox Technic physician, shared an award from the ACO
with Dr. Evans.

With that, we were able to share again the exciting
opportunity that is available to Cox Technic certified and recertified physicians
(50 hours of credit toward the 300 needed for the orthopedic diplomate) and
that is available to chiropractic orthopedists (recertification hours toward
their recertified status as chiropractic orthopedists by attending Cox
Seminars). Check
out these ACO videos for more information.
Dr. Evans then opened with his description of the Part III
How apropos! We’ll continue using this description to more fully share what
these Part III courses are all about! (Thank you, Dr. Evans!) Dr. Evans went on
to share his first session on The Nuances of Lumbar Spine Diagnosis. One of the
key points that really stood out to Dr. Cox was this:
“For me was the fact that
when a patient seeks my care they are already positively aware of my ability
and I need not further attempt to impress them. May I add that has been a fault
of mine – spending too much time trying to make them have confidence in me. Is
that not odd? Not that that was the only thing I learned from your erudite
honor’s lecture, but a note I personally needed and grew from.” The
public has faith in chiropractic care and the chiropractor.
Dr. Evans’ second session was all about “Failed Back Surgery
Syndrome: The Imperative.” The acronym “POPS” really took hold though! “Post
Operative Persistent Syndrome” is the patient whose initial pain returns or is
not resolved with back surgery. What a discussion! Dr. Evans shared that his
fellow chiropractic physicians are valuable and can help these patients when
surgery no longer can. One attendee shared that his knowledge from Dr. Evans’ and Dr. Cox's presentations was useful immediately!
“Short story. On our
flight back, sat beside a thoracic surgeon who had just had his third disc
surgery. Very timely. (I) unloaded stats on POPS and told him to get to a Cox
practitioner right away if he wanted to stay in practice. Poor guy was young
enough and quite worried about getting back to work. 3rd surgery and not even
sure what they did to him. Popping Percocet the whole flight with wine. There's
someone in pain. Thank you so much for all your help and a wonderful seminar. ”
Then, just before the lunch break, Dr. Cox presented Dr.
Evans with a special award on behalf of Cox Technic physicians and all
physicians who benefitted from his tireless work.
Plaque wording…
Few know or understand
the sacrifice, dedication, and commitment you have given your profession and
the health of people. Often it is a lonely path.
Know that learned
chiropractic physicians are able to help patients because of your study and
leadership in orthopedics. The future of chiropractic medicine will excel
because you have given inspiration, knowledge and character to its members.
From this group of
certified distraction decompression spine specialists, please accept our
gratitude and love. We reap today from the seeds you have sown, as will future
generations of healers.
Presented January 28,
by James M. Cox, DC,
on behalf of Cox®
Technic Flexion Distraction Decompression Chiropractic Physicians
On that note, we broke for a short lunch break while several
doctors chose to hang out in the room and work with Dr. George Joachim on
technique and measuring their forces of application using The Cox8 Table by Haven
Innovation that is specially equipped to do this. What a work lunch! (Thanks to
Haven Innovation for their continual innovation of just what an instrument can
do for the chiropractic spinal manipulation and chiropractic physician!)
Dr. Cox then started the afternoon off with a follow up
discussion of what chiropractic can do for the FBSS (POPS or PSCP
[post-surgical continued pain]) patient. He shared the presentation he gave at
the 9th International World Congress of Back and Pelvic Pain in
Singapore last November 2016. The information was also shared in poster format
at the ACC-RAC last March 2016. It focused on the findings of clinicians
treating 69 post-surgical lumbar spine patients with Cox Technic. He also discussed the hoped-for future prospective study of post-surgical spine patients which is undergoing the IRB approval process.
“Once again, Dr. Cox exceeds expectations. An amazing,
stimulating and exciting weekend focused on Post Surgical Back Pain patient. Dr.
Cox is a legend and a blessing for our profession.” – Leonard Marino DC
Dr. Cox then opened the floor to the heart and soul of these Part
III weekends: case reports by attending Cox Technic certified doctors!
Dr. Michael Johnson (Richmond IN) shared his case of adult
Dr. Christophe Dean (Berkley MI) presented his case of a
patient with left sciatica with L5/S1 dermatome pain.
Dr. Karl Nixdorf (Teaneck NJ) shared his case of a cervical
spine disc herniation.
Dr. Matthew Collins
(Minneapolis MN) shared his case of lumbar spine pain.
Dr. Bret White (Vero Beach FL) shared his case of an MRI
documented synovial cyst causing back pain.
Then we closed the day out with Dr. Cox and Dr. Joachim
demonstrating the proper forces to apply and how they are measured on The Cox8 Table. Lance Sonneveldt from Haven Innovation explained all the engineering
that goes into these special tables to document all of this!
Sunday morning started with Dr. Cox sharing a favorite new
topic: Chemical Inflammation. He focused his talk on the anti-inflammatory
effects of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate which he’s used since
the 1960s. Amazing topic leading to a new enhanced formulation of Discat Plus
in March 2017!
Then we were back to doctor
Dr. Charles Portwood (Scott Air Force Base, IL) taught us all about spondylolisthesis and imaging and xrays.

And Dr. Roy Siegel (NYC, NY) closed the case presentations with his
about treatment of hip pain as well as his treatment plan for treating dancers
and NYC performers.
The weekend went by so fast, Dr. Cox was able to share just
a little bit about a few of his other favorite on-going research topics:. He’s
presented over 7 hours of this material on recorded webinars, so this few minutes was a
gentle introduction.
- afferentation of
the chiropractic adjustment
- cholinergic vs adrenergic effects of Cox distraction decompression spinal adjusting (very abbreviated!)
- Vagus nerve stimulation for pain control (demonstration)
- adapted flexion
distraction protocols for knee pain. Dr. Cox demonstrated its application (as
introduced and documented and now being researched more by Dr. Luigi Albano in
a formal REB/IRB-approved study at the University of Windsor with 40 patients - Check out his articles - case 157 and case 158!). )Dr. Cox's wife, Judi, was the knee patient for the demonstration.)
The Cox Seminar Part III in Tampa 2017 was an amazing
experience of sharing wisdom and clinical expertise among colleagues. This thread on Facebook says much about the experience:
An Marra: He was on
fire. Every seminar offers you another clinical pearl.
Marc Baker: Here here!
Roy Siegel: A great
weekend conference In Tampa, Florida, with my chiropractic hero, Dr. James Cox.
Len Marino: So honored
to be in his presence again. Great meeting you, Roy!
Lastly, thanks to Dr. Ron Evans’ beautifully crafted opening
PRACTITIONERS, Dr. Cox hopes to fashion these Part III courses in that light
So despite the cloudy, cool and rainy weather (and cold meeting
room until we finally had the heating/cooling system shut off!), Tampa was a
warm experience. We look forward to seeing all of you at the next one…and bring
a case! They – successes and challenges - are amazing discussion openers!
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