RESEARCH PEARL - Anti-Convulsants INEFFECTIVE for LBP and Leg Pain

How often are back pain and leg pain (sciatica, radicular pain) patients prescribed drugs like Lyrica, Pregabalin, Neurontin or Gabapentin for their pain? Often. These anti-convulsant drugs have a new condition they are commonly prescribed for, but they have side effects are shown to be ineffective. A new research article on how these anti-convulsant drugs are ineffective in the treatment of back pain and radicular pain just came out in the CMAJ journal in July 2018.  It reports that there is moderate- to high-quality evidence of this ineffectiveness and high-quality evidence that gabapentinoids have a higher risk for adverse events. 
Then, patients, contact a local certified Cox Technic physician for back pain and leg pain relieving treatment,  or, doctors, come to a course to learn how to treat these conditions without these drugs. 
Cox Technic protocols are shown effective for treating back pain and leg pain, radicular pain, sciatica, without adverse side effects. 

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