WEBINAR: Failed Back Surgical Syndrome on July 13, Wednesday

Join Dr. James Cox, developer of the Cox Technic System of Spinal Pain Management, as he presents a series of patient cases of continued pain after spine surgery that found relief with Cox Technic. Failed Back Surgical Syndrome is a recognized term for this continued pain, so we use it here, but post surgical continued pain is a very real issue facing lower back pain, neck pain, arm pain and leg pain patients who only want relief to live their lives more comfortably. Cox Technic may be the solution for your patients and your practice. Just think about FBSS patients, and they'll come for your care!
Dr. Cox presents the history, examination findings, treatment protocols and outcomes in these failed back surgical syndrome cases. Links to some of these cases will also be provided.
Join us on Wednesday,  JULY 13, 2011 at 12:30pm Eastern Time for an hour filled with information you can use.

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