
Cox® Technic's founder, Dr. James M. Cox, devotes his energies toward the support of chiropractic flexion distraction research. Research support and documentation of the effects of care are important for the public to see and understand. Starting with simple clinical observations in the early years lead to large clinical outcomes gathering then to researcher-lead biomechanics and randomized control trials (RCTs as they are known - one of the highest level research projects to be done).
The federal support
  • Tom Bergmann, DC, editor of Chiropractic Technique, wrote that of adjustive techniques utilizing manual forces on short and/or long levers "only Cox flexion-distraction technique...has been described in a reviewed text and a number of well-respected, peer-reviewed journals."
  • The 2001 article by Robert Cooperstein et al in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reports that Cox® Technic (distraction) is the second most studied chiropractic adjustive procedure. Click here to see details.
  • One of only two "established" chiropractic techniques...
    • The Mercy Center Consensus Conference on Chiropractic Practice determined that "flexion-distraction is a standard, widely taught procedure. There is a great deal of supportable and reasonable mechanical and physiologic rationale in the literature for the appropriate use of these procedures for the care of patients with neuro-musculoskeletal problems." This is rated as an "Established" technique, one of only two techniques in chiropractic with this rating.
  • One of the three techniques used and accepted by more than 50% of chiropractic physicians...

    • The 2000 National Board of Chiropractic Examiners report that Cox® Technic (flexion distraction) is the third most popular technique in chiropractic.
    • The 2010 National Board of Chiopractic Examiners report that Cox® Technic (flexion distraction) is used by 63.7% of chiropractors reporting that they use this technique.