Synovial Cyst

Growing documentation shows the pain relief lower back pain sufferers with synovial cyst find with Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction.
Synovial cyst is, in simplest terms, a fluid filled sac that grows in the spinal canal off of facet joints. Wilby et al present the synovial cyst so well. We encourage you to study his article. Sinha et al presented a brief literature review regarding conservative, surgical and minimally invasive management of symptomatic lumbar synovial cyst with special reference to patient outcome due to a patient's synovial cyst disappearance before the planned surgery was performed. 
So for our purpose here, Cox® Technic would like to share case reports of relief for the lower back pain these synovial cysts cause. The following articles share actual patient cases that have been published in peer-reviewed journals below and Cox's textbook:
  • Taylor presents a case of a 67 year old female for whom flexion distraction alleviated her constant pain without surgery.
  • Cox and Cox present 2 cases of synovial cyst, relieved with flexion distraction.  
    • The male patient was 50% relieved in 14 days and 100% relieved in 60 days.
    • The female patient was relieved in 6 weeks.
  • Cox reports on a case of a 75 year old man whose 80% relief came in 16 visits.
    • At the 4th visit, though, his left and right extremity pain were gone.
    • At the 16th, he had no leg pain and just minimal low back and buttock pain.
  • Cox and Hazen report on a case of a large L4-L5 left synovial cyst successfully treated and relieved with Cox® distraction manipulation and physiological therapeutics. This paper pointed out that the historic treatment of synovial cyst has been operative decompression and excision, facet joint injection, and direct cyst puncture and that this paper was the first reported case of conservative chiropractic relief of the synovial cyst. (reference: Hazen LJ, Cox, JM:  Lumbar intraspinal extradural synovial cyst: a case study. J of Neuromusculoskeletal  System 1993; 1(4):167‐169)  

These are outstanding non-surgical outcomes for patients with synovial cyst. Ask 
your local certified Cox® Technic physician to help you today!